Tree Onion

Allium x proliferum

An edible onion flavoured herb, also known as walking onions, it grows bulblets instead of flowers which root into the soil once the main stem collapses. 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3.10
Currently unavailable


  • Fun to grow
  • All parts are edible
  • Dye herb
  • Good flavour

An unusual looking herb with the aerial florets that form along and on top of the stem and which eventually root into the soil once the stem dies back. All parts of this strongly onion flavoured herb can be used in culinary dishes and though not often used medicinally it is good for oral problems and tooth decay and as poultice for drawing pus from sores.

Plant care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Hardy
  • Aspect: Sun/shade
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: White
  • Flowering period: June - August

A fascinating herb to grow and easy to look after. Tree onions will be fine in areas where there is a mixture of sun and shade and grow more successfully with a richer soil. They are happy in both containers and the ground and reliably come up each year. The small plantlets that are produced on top and along the stem will begin to drop off when ripe in late summer (this is also when the stems may begin to collapse) and this is a good time to pick them. They can be replanted into fresh soil or compost, by just pushing them lightly into the surface where they will root – they can also be stored for a couple of months if needed. If left to their own devices they will drop and root themselves into the earth.



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