Balm - Lemon

Melissa officinalis

Adored by bees, this popular easy to grow herb with aromatic lemon leaves is ideal for refreshing teas to lift the spirit, for baking and desserts. 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3.10
Currently unavailable


  • Easy to grow
  • Loved by bees
  • Culinary and medicinal uses
  • Uplifting herb

Thought to have been introduced by the Romans, lemon balm (Melissa) has been described in herbals ever since where it is often called the elixir of life. Nicholas Culpeper, a famous herbalist said of Melissa ‘causes the heart and the mind to become merry’ and the a Prince of Glamorgan was reputed to have drunk it daily and lived to be one hundred and eight. The small white flowers produced in summer are loved by bees. It is an easy herb to grow outside in the garden or in pots, where it can be used fresh throughout the summer.

Plant care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Hardy
  • Aspect: Sun
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: White
  • Flowering period: June - August

Melissa is an easy herb to grow hardy perennial and eventually forms a substantial clump which can be easily divided to provide new plants for friends and family. It adores a sunny site which we find increases both the oil and flavour in the leaves and encourages it to produce more of the small white flowers in summer for the bees. We grow both the common variety and a variegated form with yellow splashes on the leaves.


The fresh lemony leaves of this abundant and generous herb are best infused as a herbal tea over the summer but also harvest and dry them to gain the benefits throughout the year.
Lemon balm has a long history of soothing and relaxing nervous energy, calming anxiety, ‘butterflies’ in the stomach and cheering the heart.
The aromatic leaves have anti viral activity on the Herpes simplex virus and are a good addition to lip balms.
Added to summer drinks and cocktails, desserts and salads it provides a fresh, cooling, citrus flavour. 

If you have any questions about this herb please don’t hesitate to get in touch





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