Box - variegated

Buxus sempervirens elegantissima

A small evergreen shrub often used for ornamental hedging in parks and gardens. Although its use is now primarily ornamental, the early flowers provide a useful source of nectar and pollen for bees when little else is available 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3.10
Only 9 plants left


  • Decorative hedging plant
  • Winter food for bees
  • Evergreen.
  • Can be trained as topiary form

A native tree, box produces a fine grained hard yellow timber used for musical instruments and wood engraving. It can live for many hundreds of years and grow into a sizeable tree, although most box found in gardens and parks is used as hedging and kept trimmed.

Plant Care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Hardy
  • Aspect: Sun/shade
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: White
  • Flowering period: March to April

A wonderfully easy evergreen to grow, box manages well in most soils and  aspects, even deep shade. In full sun it needs a heavier soil, as the roots don't want to dry out. Patience is needed for box because it is a slow growing shrub, but its versatility makes up for that. Box can be grown as a short hedge for borders and paths, even a tall hedge if you have a few years to wait (the one here is over five foot tall) , sculpted into topiary or just grown as a stand alone piece in the garden or tubs.




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