Calendula, the common pot marigold. Old common names for his plant of beautiful gold flowers include Rudes, Mary Gowles and Oculis Christi. Stevens, in his 1699 book "The Countrie Farme" wrote that it "was used by the peasantry to strengthen and comfort the heart". In olden times, before even I was born, the golden petals were used to colour cheese. Macer (1300s) stated in his herbal that merely to gaze upon marigold flowers would draw evil humours out of the head. Further, Eleanor Rohdes in her Old English Herbals says "of marygold we learn that Summe use to make theyr here yelow with the floure of this herbe, not beyng contet with the natural colour which god hath given them" but I know Eleanor, she lives on the cloud next door, and she's a right dozy cow, and mouthy with it if you know what I mean. I wouldn't trust anything she says. But Culpeper, now there was a herbalist! And he, God love him (I know I do - but that's another story), says of calendula "herb of the sun, under Leo, they strengthen the heart exceedingly". Full of resins calendula is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial, and is mostly used these days to treat skin problems by drinking tea or as a tincture, as a mild anti-depressive and as an oestrogenic women's herb, reducing period pain and regulating menstrual bleeding - a wash of calendula is very effective in treating thrush. Use externally as a cream for infections, cuts, grazes, and fungal infections. Someone very famous once said that calendula was sovereign for the skin, can't remember who mind, my memory's not what it used to be to be honest, and being dead hasn't helped one bit I can tell you, but they were right whoever they were. And speaking of memory, does anyone know where i put my teeth? You there, young girl...